I am amazed, overwhelmed, and deeply grateful to all of you who came out on Saturday around the country (and the world) to participate in A28. The stories and photos continue to pour in, and nearly everyone reports that the day was a special experience and that the reaction from the public was overwhelmingly positive. In Miami, participants have said it was the largest rally they've ever seen in their city. In Atlanta, the honks of approval from passing cars was nonstop. In San Francisco, 1500 people formed the words "IMPEACH NOW" on the beach with letters 100-feet tall. All told, impeachment actions took place in more than 125 locations around the United States and half a dozen foreign countries.
I believe that this past week may come to be seen as the tipping point for impeachment. On Monday, Rep. Dennis Kucinich introduced Articles of Impeachment against Dick Cheney. On Wednesday, the Impeach07 coalition held a major press conference in Washington, with prominent figures speaking in favor of impeachment. This weekend, at the Democratic Party convention in California, the largest state Democratic party organization in the nation voted overwhelmingly to call for the impeachment of Bush and Cheney. And then there was A28.
Did we have an impact?
As Dave Lindorff reports, "A day after the national demonstrations, Rep. John Murtha (D-PA), speaking on the CBS News program Face the Nation, told host Bob Schieffer that impeachment is 'one of the ways Congress has to influence the president.' The comment so shocked Schieffer, that he immediately homed in on it asking, 'Are you seriously talking about contemplating an impeachment of this president?' Murtha did not back off, and responded, 'I'm just saying that's one way to influence the president.'"
And then late this afternoon, Murtha unequivocally put impeachment back on the table, telling NPR's Melissa Block: "I'm just saying that's one of the options that Congress has on the table, I'm getting more and more calls from people about the President on impeachment."
Given the significance that has attached to Nancy Pelosi's claim that impeachment was "off the table," Murtha would not use that language casually. This is a major statement that can be seen as a trial balloon to gauge whether the support of the public is there to actually go ahead with this. Now is to the time to flood Murtha's office with phone calls and letters to tell him you want it.
Please contact him immediately to thank him for putting impeachment back on the table and to ask him to move forward with the impeachment of Bush and Cheney immediately.
A28 in words and pictures
Here is a glimpse at some of the stories and images submitted from around the nation. I've received literally thousands of photos since Saturday, and what follows below is just a smattering. Nevertheless, it is an inspiring montage of democracy in action. Apologies if you don't see yours in here. I made a vow to send you all an update today and it's almost midnight, so I've got to stop (not to mention that this may be the longest e-mail ever sent--sorry!). But you can all share your images in the Photos section of the site and your stories in the Forum. Enjoy!
Anacortes, WA
Amherst, MA
Amherst spelled it out this weekend - I M P E A C H! Activists for the Impeachment of Bush and Cheney joined demonstrators across the country by spelling it out with jumbo letters in the center of town at noon on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Representatives from Amherst's Democratic Town Committee, Town Meeting, Women in Black, and the Amherst Peace Vigil participated over the three days. Women in Black have been protesting the Iraq war every Friday since late 2001. They made the giant letters from the insides of outmoded political lawn signs and wore them on Friday April 27 at noon until 1PM. Saturday, April 28, was a National Protest for Impeachment. Those activists for impeachment from the Amherst Democratic Town Committee and Town Meeting who couldn't join their colleagues in Boston stood in the center of town with the seven letters. On Sunday, April 29 the letters were worn at the regular Peace Vigil at noon on the Common.
Ann Arbor, MI
Our rally was located outside of the Federal Building right in the center of town and we had lots of foot & car traffic pass by us. About 60 people showed up, with a max of 40 at one time. Lots of honks, thumbs up and cheers of support. Surprisingly a local Democratic Party official, who happened to walk by, said we should call them next time and they would give us impeach bumper stickers and people. Amazingly about 2 out of every 3 people we asked actually signed the petition; just Ann Arbor, or is the nation as sick of watching our Constitution being dismantled as we all are? There was a great energy in our group. Someone made large signs of the impeach letters and the other big & small signs had slogans on them. We had a battery-operated megaphone that was great. One of us is a highway blogger for impeachment. He made 20+ of signs for blogging on highway overpasses. (We will do a lot more of that next time!) You all have provided some great ideas! I really like the Impeach cake, pretzels and walking the letters across the street with the cross walk light - very energetic without dividing the group! A wonderful start!
Atlanta, GA
It was great! We had about 40 people in the morning, lots of good response from people passing by. George Bush and Dick Cheney arrived and that got an appropriate response too--we read them the articles of impeachment and handcuffed them (poor George couldn't swig on his oil after that!). Our local CBS affiliate showed up with a camera to do a few interviews so we made the 6 o'clock news. Then on to the Inman Park parade a few blocks away to march with the impeachment coningent. More great response from the crowd. Then back at the park at 7:30 to spell it out with candles. As soon as we set them up and started lighting tem, passersby began honking in support. Some parked and joined us to see what we were about--mainly wanting to stay in touch for future actions. I brought the editor of Atlanta Progressive News to this event, and you can read the article here
Austin, TX
Bainbridge Island, WA
Twenty of us participated in two actions on Bainbridge Island today. We were surprised and pleased by the strength of the enthusiastic response from so many of our neighbors and island visitors. Our signs looked great, and drew many positive comments. In the morning we leafleted at the Farmers' Market, and at noon we assembled at the intersection of Winslow Way and Highway 305, where Women in Black has stood every Friday for over four years. We met two ferry-loads of drivers and passengers, well over a thousand people. We know this is the first of many such events this year, and we will be back.
Berks County, PA
Here in Berks County, PA, we didn't just have impeachment day, we had impeachment week. It started last Saturday when we convinced our Berks County Democratic Committee to finally, after working on them for 3-1/2 years, pass a resolution to impeach under Jefferson's Manual that is being presented to our PA commonwealth house of representatives. Then, of course Dennis Kucinich introduced the articles of impeachment for Dick Cheney. Then last night we had a rally on Penn Street Bridge and there was lots of positive response. Today we had three consecutive rallies in different locations, again with a very positive response. At each of the rallies we had about 25 people but it seemed like more because we had big black on white fabric banners saying "Impeach for Peace," "Impeach for the Kids," "Impeach Bush & Cheney," "Impeach for Justice" and my favorite "Impeach the Crooks & Liars." The third rally was at a very busy intersection in conservative Pottstown, PA, and we were actually stunned by the almost raucus honking, thumbs up, peace signs, waving, and after doing this for 4-/12 years, what I found most interesting was they were smiling at us. I guess they were so happy to see that there were others who feel the same way. It was an amazing week!!! And a great lift for so many of us who were getting very tired.
And, while our local media refused to cover anything about the Democratic Committee Resolution or the rallies, a young cameraman from our local television station Channel 69 just happened to be driving by one of today's rallies and he pulled over and ended up doing a terrific piece on our event which they actually aired. See http://wfmz.com/view/?id=90640.
Boston, MA
The highlight of the afternoon occurred at about 2:30, after the Raging Grannies had just finishing singing a song of protest in favor of impeachment. Several hundred had gathered on the square, surrounding the flag-draped casket and memorial set up by Carlos Arredondo. As the Grannies' words rang out, a town crier stepped up to read a proclamation. He proclaimed that because the government had failed to act for accountability, the demonstrators and audience were to constitute a Citizen's Council on Impeachment. At that point two colonial guardsmen and a drummer boy cleared a path through the crowd to lead the honorable Judge Justine Grace to the podium. With Judge Grace overseeing the proceedings, the town crier called out for the accused to step up. Two members of Veterans for Peace, dressed as George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, were lead through the crowd at musket-point by the colonial guardsmen. Both were wearing crowns. Although the guardsmen helped ensure their safe passage to the impeachment hearing, they were made to suffer no small amount of jeers by an angry crowd!
The crier read the charges while the Raging Grannies, as the Greek Chorus of the event, repeated each charge in short. After some words of wisdom from the Judge, a vote was held. All those in favor of impeachment say Aye! And with that prompt, the crowd of hundreds declared in their most empowered voice "Aye!", many with raised fists. All those against, say Nay! And with that prompt, only the sad and lonesome Billionaires for Bush counter-protesters sung out in small numbers, and were met with boos and jeers. "They ayes have it!" The Judge instructed the crier to read the accused their Miranda Rights and the guardsmen removed the crowns that had been upon their heads. The emotion from the empowered crowd was overwhelmingly energetic, and they took great notice of the fact that Bush and Cheney were told that an attorney would be provided for them if they could not afford one.
Brooklyn, NY
Bryn Mawr, PA
We had a great morning in Bryn Mawr! At least fifty people
gathered in front of Ludington Library and liberated the horns of the morning traffic with myriad signs calling for the impeachment of Bush and Cheney. A dedicated core of seven, each with one of the letters of the word IMPEACH, marched across the road at each "Walk" light to let the waiting drivers know that Impeachment is on the table! Spontaneously, the cheerleader in the crowd called for us to give him each letter, then asked us what we get: "Impeach!" rang out across the intersection. The spirit was high and the traffic couldn't have been more supportive. It was a great beginning to the "Summer of Impeachment," the months ahead when Congress will be pressed by citizens like us to live out their constitutional responsibility to "check" this Imperial Executive.
Burlington, VT
Charlotte, NC
Some 25 people gathered at a busy intersection near Rep. Sue Myrick's office in the upscale Southpark area of Charlotte calling for the impeachment of President Bush & Vice President Cheney.
There was an overwhelming amount of support from passersby honking in response to a "Honk to Impeach Bush & Cheney" sign. It was incredible with the whole area being filled with honking horns and cheers of support at times throughout the rally. Almost every single person showed support by smiling, waving and flashing peace signs & raised fists. Even little kids were flashing peace signs at us.
Cleveland, OH
Several of us went with some ySDS youths to the local recruiting station and held up an impeachment banner and did some street theatre with a "detainee" The recruiting station shut down and we plastered the windows with "Impeach Bush and Cheney for War Crimes" and "Not Our President" signs. We then went to Lincoln Park where about 100 people showed up. We held up large letters and banners along the main drag and did some strong agitation and open mic to an audience that formed across the street by a local church. We recieved many honks and thumbs up. We formed the word impeach in the grass (on top of plastic) and some of us them marched to Pat's In the Flats with 911Truth folks and did some strong agitation outside of local yuppie restaurants ...some folks came out and clapped others yelled at us but we held our positions and had really good agitation going on the whole time. We also had a detainee in jumpsuit with us doing stress positions which always gets attention.At Pat's In The Flats we tabled, danced and listened to Anti-Bush bands until the wee hours of the morning. We also did some impeach petitions and made new contacts. It was a successful day and we met many new faces and activists. Folks really liked the idea of being part of a national movement happening all over. Some expressed interest in doing impeachment actions every week!
Cornwall, CT
Delray Beach, FL
Close to 80 good people gathered at the crossroads of Federal Highway and George Bush Boulevard with their I-M-P-E-A-C-H signs today. We would have had more, but many folks from our area (Palm Beach County) travelled 60 miles south to Miami to protest at Miami-Dade College, where George Bush himself was scheduled to present the commencement address. It was a beautifully sunny day, and very HOT! We made it hot for Bush and Cheney, too! We held a mock trial and found them both guilty of a dozen different impeachable offenses. The Raging Grannies were there and so were folks from CodePink, Democracy for America, Veterans for Peace, Project Truth, and more. We had lots of supportive honks and thumbs up, and several passersby pulled their cars over to join us. For some, it was their first demonstration, and a measure of their disgust with the current administration that they were willing to come and stand with us today. Let's all keep the pressure on until we FIRE THE LIARS! Stay in trouble....Granny Vicki Ryder
Eureka, CA
Federal Way, WA
We had 70 amazing and enthusiastic people show up at a local
intersection. We had four sets of "IMPEACH" t-shirts, one letter per
shirt, one set per corner. We had lots of enthusiastic honks from
passing motorists, some even got out of their cars and joined us. We also had a few thumbs down and partial waves (middle finger only). Our attendees brought great signs, we passed out "imPeach" candies, and we had many requests for an encore rally.
Ft. Collins, CO
Ft. Myers, FL
We rallied in Centennial Park. Thirty-five people participated, holding signs, and ten of us spoke. We got coverage from our CBS and Fox TV affiliates. Our seven-poster IMPEACH sign was broadcast on both channels. A major goal was to use this event to launch a standing impeachment organization in Fort Myers. A young woman who was moved by it has taken on the responsibility to organize such a group.
Grand Rapids, MI
Our action was taking place on a walking bridge that goes over a river through the middle of Grand Rapids. I brought a 30-foot banner that screamed IMPEACH! and as people came down they said they could see it driving up the surrounding highways! There was a university graduation at the local arena a couple of blocks down the road, so we decided to relocate to the next bridge over when it got done with. We got a ton of honks and waves (along with a finger or two) and 115 signatures for our petition. This was my first attempt at organizing any sort of event and it turned out great! 3 of us hadn't had enough at the end of our rally, so we walked a 10-foot IMPEACH! banner 3 miles home. :) It was a lot of fun and everyone can't wait for the next one!
Greensboro, NC
The rally in Greensboro was a big hit! We were about 30 strong. We posted people on all 4 corners of the intersection. There was a
positive response from most of the cars and pedestrians that came
past. Lots of horn honking, screams, yells, and waves. There were a few who were disgusted by our actions, and most of them made sure they expressed themselves in some distasteful way. That did not dampen anyones siprits, though. We spelled out I-M-P-E-A-C-H with signs on 2 corners, and had many other signs as well. We had a drum, a 5gal. bucket drum, and a couple of steel pans making sounds of impeachment. Our group was very spirited, and everyone had a fun time! Media coverage was sparse, despite a call from Fox 8 saying they would be there. There was a reporter, from an unknown source, who interviewed a few of our group.
Homer, AK
Honolulu, HI
About 50 people spelled I-M-P-E-A-C-H with large florescent poster boards at 5 city intersections and a freeway overpass. Response was overwhelmingly positive (running about 15 supporting for every person opposing). Lots of passers-by raised their fists, laid on their horns, shouted, or gave an enthusiastic shaka. Trolleys transporting loads of tourists from one mall to another rang their bells, and lots of city bus and truck drivers honked their horns. At one intersection two groups holding poster boards became "cheerleaders" - enthusiastically shouting "give me in 'I'...give me an 'M'...and raising the appropriate letter. The team holding their signs over a busy freeway overpass were there for an hour before police threatened arrest for "creating a traffic hazard" - finally forcing them to move to a nearby crowded intersection. Many people stopped to give their opinions about Bush or Cheney - ranging from complete outrage to "we just gotta wait until the elections". But the support for impeachment was obvious, with many saying Bush should have been impeached long ago.
Houston, TX
Jamestown, NY
In all, 175 street size signs and 10 overpass size signs were hung. Most people were very positive, but one couple started yelling that my signs were illegal. It was a great day, folks. Like I told Jacob, if it is happening here, the NY bastion of conservativism, it is happening everywhere. And this is just the beginning.
Kalamazoo, MI
We had a very exciting day spelling out Impeach here. A dozen people spelled out Impeach outside graduation day at Western
Michigan University. Although campus security made us leave campus, we regrouped nearby and hundreds of motorists gave us an overwhelmingly positive thumbs up, laid on their horns and yelled and whooped support out their windows. We then moved to a very busy intersection by a shopping center and held two sets of Impeach letters on opposite corners. Again we got over 90% positive responses, with some stopping to buy bumper stickers. It was obvious that the tide has turned overwhelmingly against the Bush Regime and for impeachment. Two high school students who joined us for the day took back calls, yard signs, bumper stickers and plan to organize at their school in a little town between Kalamazoo and Grand Rapids!
Kansas City, MO
In one week of fast-track planning and promotion, through email and fliering, we pulled together 85 folks on a beautifully warm, sunny day on the bank of an incredibly stinky creek in the heart of Kansas City and spelled it out with our bodies. We chanted 'I-M-P-E-A-C-H . . . We can't wait until '08!" while we laid in the sun and laughed about how hard we were working for the Republic... Actually, we all work very hard at this--we deserve to lay down on the job for a change! A group of four MU students from Columbia, MO joined us, and a group from Lawrence, KS made the hour drive, as well. And it was great to see people from one year old to 84 years young climb the hill to make this happen. Three dedicated folks hoofed it to the other side of the creek (it's wide...) and photographed the event, giving up their place in the formation, when our photographer didn't come early enough. Sporting my fabulous, trendy, and much-admired "BUSH IS OVER" tee, and with my mother-of-six voice (a little louder than your average mamabear) I reminded the crowd that our Representatives work for us! We pay them, we can fire them! Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, our rep on the Missouri side of KC, told us at our recent 4th anniversary of the war protest, "Impeachment is a distraction." Rep. Dennis Moore, on the Kansas side, doesn't even list the Iraq War as one of the "issues" discussed on his site!! We agreed that it's imperative that they support and cosponsor Kucinich's House Res 333, and that we'd call, write, and visit--It's time they listen to the people who hired them. We pledged to not support or vote for anyone who won't work for impeachment. Period. And we signed impeachment petitions. Recognizing the real value and rarity of having a "captive" audience, I shared with the crowd my theory that until we become an "inconvenience" for the powers that be, they have no reason to listen to us. It takes two minutes to call our reps--one Rep and two Senators takes six minutes... Only six minutes of our time, only six minutes of their staff's time. But if 100 of us call them each day, that's 600 minutes of their time (TEN hours each day!), and if 1000 of us call every day, that's 6,000 minutes of staff time! Now THAT is just damned inconvenient. One activist reminded us that one phone call is perceived to represent 13,000 constituents, in PoliticThink.
Lafayette, CA
We had a most successful day, posted three IMPEACH signs around Lafayette. Early am, tennis balls were worked into the chainlink fence of Springhill School along Pleasant Hill Rd. Lasted until softball started up mid-morning. Then at 2:00 in the afternoon, we used glittery redwhitenblue tinsel to spell it out over Hiway 24 on the Curtola overpass. Hundreds of cars honked in support as they drove under.
Los Angeles, CA
Main Line, PA
Martinsburg, WV
Memphis, TN
Miami, FL
It was the largest strictly street action I've ever been involved with outside of Washington. And the traffic response was PHENOMENAL!!
1500 to 2000 people protested and demanded the impeachment of Bush and Cheney from the sidewalk at the entrance to MDC. It is hard to tell because people joined and left from 3PM to past 7PM The traffic was heavy and I've never seen so many cameras taking pictures of protesters from cars before. Thousands drove by, and the overwhelming majority supported us by cheering, applauding and honking from their vehicles.
A diverse group of patriotic Americans got together as never before in Miami. Prior to yesterday, I referred to Miami as the "Apathy Capital of the United States." The only notification of this demonstration came through email, flyers and word-of-mouth.
Milwaukee, WI
We had close to 30 people in our group and almost everyone had a sign. We also had a battery-operated megaphone that many in our group took turns using. We had a police escort following us on foot, but they were very polite to us. They were polite to us and one of the officers accepted a DVD and took one of our website cards. He seemed interested in our cause. We stopped at our Federal Building and took some pictures as we chanted IMPEACH BUSH-CHENEY "NOW" over and over. We had many car horns going off, thumbs up, and a lot of cheers from people thatobserved us. We were seen and heard and were ready to do it again and again and again.
Minneapolis, MN
Monterey, CA
Naples, FL
We had over 25 people which is incredible in Naples FL--we had a great time and got ALOT of honks of support :)
New Paltz, NY
New York, NY (Tompkins Square Park)
We had a great day in Tompkins Square Park, where the Rude Mechanical Orchestra (NYC's original radical marching band) drew a crowd and led a dance party as we collected 100 letters to Congress calling for impeachment that we then used to spell out IMPEACH on a huge banner.
The response was incredibly positive and had a wonderful time. While I strutted around in my Bush Is Over shirt before and after the event, I got a smile from almost everyone. This was honestly one of the best days of my life and I can't wait for round 2!
New York, NY (Central Park)
Paris, France
Philadelphia, PA
I attended the rally in Philadelphia, and marched right up front carrying the banner! It was good times with a rather large turnout! I'd say it all went fairly well as we had people on the sidewalks, coming out of stores and restaurants, and even on the tour buses clapping and cheering for us! One woman was even sweet enough to run out with water bottles for some us! And I KNOW that there were a TON of people taking pictures the entire time, but I haven't been able to find any at all, much to my dismay *sighs* I'm hoping the Metro or the Bulletin will have something tomorrow, I'd love to have some pictures for memories.
Portland, ME
The Maine Campaign to Impeach organized two major Impeachment Week events - We jumped the gun a bit, starting on 4/26 by placing an 8-person IMPEACH! sign in front of the Bush family estate at Walker's Point, Kennebunkport, Maine. Then on Saturday, our Impeachment Day event was the Maine Impeachment Town Meeting at the old First Parish Church in Portland, attended by 280 very vocal impeachment supporters stating their opinions on impeachment and planning strategy pushing for impeachment action by Maine's two Congressmen and the Maine State Legislature. Presentations were made by the Maine Lawyers for Democracy who have had two press conferences in the past three weeks announcing support for impeachment. We were VERY fortunate to also have as a speaker David Swanson from AfterDowningStreet.org who pumped the audience up with a terrific speech. After the meeting, some of the attendees went across the street to the Portland Press Herald newspaper offices and woke their staff up by banging on their windows and shouting impeachment slogans because the paper did not cover the Town Meeting Event. The paper responded by phoning the Maine Campaign to Impeach for interviews. One of Portland's major TV stations, WGME-TV (CBS), gave great coverage to the Impeachment Town Meeting and featured the story as the lead item on their Saturday night 11 PM newscast. Stay tuned at www.maineimpeach.org as we approach our goal of 10,000 Maine citizens' names on our MaineImpeach petition.
Pottstown, PA
I feel so great, it's beyond words! I put up my IMPEACH letters at my house first thing in the morning yesterday. Then it was onto Wyomissing for the first stop in our three stop rally. The response was overwhelming! While there were some middle fingers and Pro-Bush responses, most people were honking their horns, giving us peace or thumbs up signs in support. It gives me chills now just thinking back on it and realizing just how many people in this country are waking up to the reality. I truly can't express in words how exhilirating the whole experience was.
I know there is alot of work to do yet and that the reality of the picture as whole is not so bright. But it is days like yesterday that are so crucial for my soul. It is what gives me hope, feeds my optimism and tells me I need to keep going. I can't wait to read about and see pictures from other actions that happened yesterday. Peace & love to you all.
Reno, NV
Rome, Italy
Rome, Italy was great. We started collecting photos from people out and about in Rome early in the week. And on Thurs and Fri our mobile photo-op team, The Flying Seven, went around Rome with t-shirts, each with a letter, and posed in front of monuments and, of course, the U.S. Embassy. .
On Saturday we were in front of the Colosseum with small letters, huge letters, balloons, wind wheels and plum cakes, all spelling out Impeach! Weather was gorgeous.
We got lots of support from people from all over the world. And wave and peace signs from the open top tourist buses passing by
Sacramento, CA
WE GOT A MILLION BEEPS FOR IMPEACHMENT and I feel, took back our flag today. We flew big beautiful red-white-and-blues on both corners of our demo. for 3 hours. There were at least 35 people at all times, I guess. I got Raleys to make a big sheet cake saying "Impeach Bush/Cheney." Note, that's corporate Raleys. I stuck with my request, eventually they said Sure! with a smile. We had music and hugs and promises to gather more people next time. This hit a part of town which never sees this stuff. Matt from Redding (17 years old) brought his friends the 100 miles down here. On the way they hung a bedsheet "Impeach" sign from a cliff overlooking I-5; the cliff is OWNED by an older woman who called them to donate her "Bill Board." It's PERMANENT.
Salt Lake City, UT
San Diego, CA
We had 202 people spell it out on the beach! But the clouds were too low for the plane to get a photo.
The IMPEACHMENT resolution is a new tool! It was very encouraging that right across the street from the convention entrance A-28 had organized a very enthusiastic and creative IMPEACHMENT demonstration. And right at the entrance delegates had to walk past large PDA banners urging IMPEACHMENT and OUT OF IRAQ in order to get into the convention hall. I and someother delegates to the convention had an opportunity to walk over and join the demonstration for a short amount of time. Most of the delegates at the convention were in support of a resolution to IMPEACH and wore buttons and stickers proclaiming their position. It passed by unanimous consent.
San Francisco, CA
April 28 was the second Beach Impeach, and this time over 1,500 people came to San Francisco's Ocean Beach to make sure the message was even bigger and bolder. This time the letters were one hundred feet tall, and said IMPEACH NOW! It was a great crowd, with a certain sense of purpose and community in the air as people found their places in the giant letters. The mood grew even more enthusiastic as the helicopter whirred into view, much cheering and waving - as if people felt they were sending their message and their presence out to people all over the rest of the country and the world.
Seattle, WA
The Seattle Chapter of World Can't Wait - Drive Out the Bush Regime's A28 protest had a great day Freeway Blogging on overpasses of I-5 from 1-4 pm. It turned out to be a GREAT day for blogging in Seattle, not just because of the great sunny day we had, but also because of the incredible amount of traffic flowing southbound. The traffic stayed very heavy all three hours of our event! Not so great for the people trying to get through to Seattle, but great for getting our message across to thousands of drivers.
About 30 - 40% of these drivers gave us the "thumbs up," or pumped their fists, or gave us the "peace sign" and there was
lots of horns being honked in support of our message to IMPEACH BUSH and CHENEY. Of course we got some other more negative
signals too, but those were by far the exception. Other groups on other overpasses in the Seattle area also received a great response. So, the response was overwhelmingly positive! At 5:00 pm we rushed to Safeco field and handed out IMPEACH! Balloons and engaged in some interesting conversations with the people going in to see the Mariner's Game.
South Seattle, Washington
A small group of us came together for a local Impeachment rally at our favorite protest site--the walking bridge over Rainier Ave at MLKing. We were a small group of very spirited and determined friends. We passed out "Ten Reasons for Impeaching Bush and Cheney." We got many resounding honks, waves and thumbs up of support. Next time, which will be soon, we hope to gather more people and have bigger signs.
St. Petersburg, FL
Staten Island, NY
Trenton, NJ
Tulsa, OK
The April 27 Impeach Cheney First protest was a wonderful success! Several groups from Tulsa, Oklahoma City and Stillwater came together to create a ruckus and everyone had a chance to say their piece as there were 6 or 8 media outlets on hand. We even drew a reporter from Tele-Mundo! Contrary to local media
accounts about 95 people showed up with a max of about 75 at any one time. We chanted, sang, waved signs and read the names of
the Oklahoma soldiers who to this day have died in Iraq. To those that made it, thanks for the great turn out! To those that couldn't, I'm sorry you missed a good time.
Venice, CA
Ventura, CA
Our IMPEACH went over without a hitch here in Ventura. The man didnt shut us down and it looked great. We had old and young on the beach movin stones and sand.
The relief looked AWESOME. About 90 feet by 12 feet and its gonna stay awhile for all to see. Its sad that we've come to a point where we have to use the most ancient means of communication, stones to get a message across, but it was worth every last one. The irony was not lost on us. Hundreds of people who probably otherwise would never have known about the movement are now in the loop.
I got lots of greats pics not to mention lots of new supporters for the movement. And like the other IMPEACHER said we took back our flag today. Man it felt sooo good to be out there claiming it!
Virginia Beach, VA
Washington, DC
A28 media coverage
A number of you have written to ask about media coverage. Although I certainly would have welcomed more of it, we did pretty well considering the almost complete media blackout on the issue of impeachment. Anybody who's worked on the issue can tell you it's almost impossible to get the media to cover it. I've got a plan to change this, which I'll tell you about in the next couple of days.
In the meantime, here are some articles that have either been about or have mentioned A28. The NY Daily News and the Washington Post, right-wing rags that they are, tried their best to downplay what we did, strenuously avoiding the 99% positive aspects of the events. But in this case, any publicity really is good publicity. I'm not worried about winning the debate; I just want to see it started. Meanwhile, we had plenty of more positive press, including a very kind article in The Nation by John Nichols.
I know that there are more articles out there and I haven't even tried to collect the radio and TV coverage, but have heard that this was covered by more than a few stations. If you see something not listed below, please send it on to me.
Complete Articles
AM New York: Pro-impeachment movement heating up in NYC
Atlanta Progressive News: Atlantans Spell IMPEACH with Candles at Intersection
Cornell Daily Sun: Local Activists Demand Pres. Bush's Impeachment
Eureka Reporter: Impeachment Rally
Ithaca Journal: Protesters call for Bush's ouster
KSL News Radio: Rally Called for Cheney's Impeachment
Las Vegas Sun: Las Vegas Sun: Anti-war protesters in Reno call for impeachment of Bush, Cheney
Miami Herald: Protesters Driven by War
The Nation: Spell It Out: "I-M-P-E-A-C-H!"
New York Daily News: Coney Island 'impeach' draws a thin crowd
The Raw Story: Impeach protests coordinator hopes 'Republicans can see which way the wind is blowing'
The Raw Story: Protesters demand impeachment as President Bush speaks at Miami-Dade College
Washington Post: Washington Post: Sending a Message, With Unimpeachable Clarity
American Chronicle: California Democratic Party Passes Resolution Demanding Impeachment of Bush and Cheney
Baltimore Chronicle: Rep. Murtha Puts Bush Impeachment Front and Center
Baltimore Chronicle: Huge Win for Impeachment in Vermont
FOXNews.com: Kucinich Prepares Impeachment Articles Against Dick Cheney
Miami Herald: Bush Arrives in Miami
New York Times: Bush Asks Florida Graduates to Back Immigration Change
Z Magazine: Impeachment Fever Rises
What's next for A28?
A lot of people have been asking what happens now that April 28 has come and gone. Will A28 continue? What do we do next?
The short answer is HELL YES. April 28 was not the culmination of A28, it was just the beginning. Keep your signs and banners and t-shirts handy because you're gonna want to be using them again soon. Between Kucinich and Murtha and A28 we've created an opening this past week. Now we've got to hit them (Congress, the media, the Bush administration) with everything we've got. The pressure this summer needs to be relentless.
In the coming days I'll be discussing with you different ideas for how to do this. As always, everybody's suggestions and input are welcomed. Stay tuned for much more to come. We are just getting started...
Jacob Park
A28 National Coordinator